Teacher Special Language
Dual Language
Rubi Valdez Orozco

Goals of Dual Language Education
Goal #1: High linguistic proficiency in two languages
Goal #2: High academic proficiency (content area) in two languages
Goal #3: Positive cross-cultural attitudes; biculturalism
Dual Language Models are Additive (biliteracy) that focuses on Challenging Interactive and Authentic (CIA) instruction (no remediation)
Child's L1 is the target literacy (reading) language while acquiring and academically developing the L2
Child will receive formal reading instruction in the L1 only
Child will learn to read in the L1 first
Principals of Dual Language Education
No less than 50% of instruction (PK-5th grade) in minority language
Program must be implemented throughout elementary grades (PK-5)
Strongly Consider Expansion into Middle School and High School
Extensive exposure and use of the two languages through challenging, interactive settings... students learn together in bilingual pairs/groups
Clear separation of languages for instruction (no translation)
Instruction should challenge and empower students (high expectations-enrichment/gifted educational environments)
Learn and develop languages through academic subjects
Integration of vocabulary across the curriculum
Classrooms balanced based on languages & academic skills (L1 & L2)
Total school climate should reflect a bilingual/biliterate atmosphere
Administrative understanding & support (campus/district)