Bus Evacuation
Good morning Parents,
Please be advised that Andrew Jackson Elementary conducted a bus evacuation drill at 7:15 a.m. today. Thank you!
Buenos Tardes Padres,
Se le avisa que Andrew Jackson Elementary llevo a cabo un simulacro de evacuación de autobus hoy a las 7:15 a.m. Gracias
Words cannot begin to describe how thankful we are for the work you do as school principal. You are the glue that keeps Jackson together. Your ability to empathize with our students and constant belief in the staff inspires us all to learn new things. Never forget how amazing you are and how much of a difference you have made at this school! #jacksonstrong #districtofchampions
Good morning Parents,
Please be advised that Andrew Jackson Elementary conducted a Severe Weather Shelter drill at 9:00 a.m.
Thank you
Buenas dias Padres,
Se le avisa que Andrew Jackson Elementary llevo a cabo un simulacro de refugio meteorológico severo hoy a la 9:00 a.m.
Please be advised that Andrew Jackson Elementary conducted a Medical Emergency drill today at 8:47 a.m.
Thank you.
Se le avisa que Andrew Jackson Elementary llevo a cabo un simulacro de emergencia Medica hoy a las 8:47 a.m.
Good Morning Parents,
Please be advised that Andrew Jackson Elementary conducted a Lock Out drill today at 9:06 a.m..
Thank you
Buenos Dias Padres,
Se le avisa que Andrew Jackson Elementary llevo acabo un simulacro de “cierre patronal” hoy a las 9:06 a.m.
Good Afternoon Parents,
Please be advised that Andrew Jackson Elementary conducted a fire drill at 8:45 a.m. today. Thank you!
Buenos Tardes Padres,
Se le avisa que Andrew Jackson Elementary llevo a cabo un simulacro de incendio hoy a las 8:45 a.m. Gracias
Jackson Elementary brings awareness to the month of the Military Child. #wearefamily #jacksonstrong #districtofchampions
El Proyecto Campeón
¡Comparta sus pensamientos! Utilice los enlaces para compartir sus ideas en Thought Exchange. Esperamos revisar sus pensamientos y continuar sirviendo a nuestros estudiantes y familias.
Haga clic para participar: https://5il.co/rma4
Jackson Parents: Please take some time to view information shared by the Superintendent, Dr. J. A. Gonzalez. Once you have viewed the videos, please use the links to share your ideas on Thought Exchange. We look forward to reviewing your thoughts and continuing to serve our students and families in the upcoming school year. The deadline to upload your thoughts on the Thought Exchange is tomorrow, April 15, 2021, at 12 pm.
Click on the link above to obtain direct links to the Focus Area videos and Thought Exchange. Have a great day!
Padres de Jackson: Tómese un tiempo para ver la información compartida por el Superintendente, Dr. J. A. González. Una vez que haya visto los videos, utilice los enlaces para compartir sus ideas en Thought Exchange. Esperamos revisar sus pensamientos y continuar sirviendo a nuestros estudiantes y familias en el próximo año escolar. La fecha límite para subir sus pensamientos al Thought Exchange es mañana, 15 de abril de 2021, a las 12 pm.
Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para obtener enlaces directos a los videos de Focus y Thought Exchange. ¡Qué tengan un lindo día!
McAllen ISD needs your help.
SuperTalk Episode 30:
Please join us for a Thought Exchange at 5 pm (regarding Focus Areas 3 & 4 of The Champion Project McAllen ISD) as we continue to prepare for the 2021-2022 school year. Thank you in advance for your participation. #DistrictOfChampions #McAllenISDAdvantage
View the YouTube Premiere at 5 pm
Focus Area 3: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/434810425
Focus Area 4: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/799982787
McAllen ISD necesita su ayuda.
SuperTalk Episodio 30:
Únase a nosotros para un intercambio de pensamientos a las 5 pm (con respecto a las áreas de enfoque 3 y 4 de The Champion Project McAllen ISD) mientras continuamos preparándonos para el año escolar 2021-2022. Gracias de antemano por tu participación. #DistrictOfChampions #McAllenISDAdvantage
Ver el estreno de YouTube a las 5 p. M.
Área de enfoque 3: https://my.ilsttexchange.com/434810425
Área de enfoque 4: https://my.ilsttexchange.com/799982787
Purple it up!
Jackson celebrates our amazing Assistant Principal, Mrs. K. Rodriguez on her special week!
6th Six Weeks Curbside Material Distribution
Jackson celebrates libraries!!!
Good Afternoon Parents,
Please be advised that Andrew Jackson Elementary conducted a fire drill at 1:30 p.m. today. Thank you!
Buenos Tardes Padres,
Se le avisa que Andrew Jackson Elementary llevo a cabo un simulacro de incendio hoy a las 1:30 p.m. Gracias
We love our nurses!
Jackson celebrates Music Month!
¡Jackson celebra el Mes de la Música!
Stay safe and enjoy the break.
Manténganse salvos y disfruten del descanso